Urban Design

 New Urban Center for San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)


San Sebastian de los Reyes
City of San Sebastian de los Reyes
Eugenio Aguinaga
José María Jiménez Urrutia
Ignacio Lopez
The proposal was made for a competition organized by the Municipal authority for the remodelling of the urban center in 2009

 This is not just a project for a park. It is the creation of a new urban center presided by the city hall, a physical setting for recreational and commercial activities -the essence of the city- and the solution to an formidable physical obstacle that has determined the fragmented and divided urban development of the municipality. Therefore, a basic element of our proposal was to resolve north-south and east-west connections through a central park by connecting, finalizing and upgrading the perimetral roads of the area.

Like all natural growth of the city fabric, it includes social housing and retail businesses on the ground floors of the residential blocks.

The tower of the city hall building is the vertical landmark that signals in the distance the new urban center. Its plan is conceptually very clear and provides great flexibility for the planned uses.

The location of the bullring, street market and trade fair grounds are not substantially changed, but the seating capacity of the bullring has been significantly increased and more outdoor covered surfaces are created with large-span cylindrical concrete membranes, which are extremely economical and are in a way the most original architectural theme of the proposal.

The project would not be complete without a large pond which, aside from its symbolism and environmental efficacy, is a place for recreational and entertainment activities in the center of the park.

The proposed district heating with a trigeneration system and rainwater and greywater utilization would allow us to create a truly green and sustainable park, saving energy and CO2 emissions in a project that would have zero cost from the economic point of view.

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